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Ämne: | Apropå torra cigarrer: 1. |
Skrivet av: | Bukfaçon |
Tid: | 2007-09-27 13:31:41 |
I Storbritannien är ju fenomenet med fuktiga havannacigarrer relativt nytt, traditionellt så torkade brittiska cigarrhandlare såsom ex.vis Alfred Dunhill sina havannor innan de försåldes. På sajten fann jag en hel del info om detta, jag saxar: "There is a long tradition in Britain of smoking dry Havana cigars, whereas the reverse is true on the continent of Europe. In his Geneva shop opened in the late 1930s. Zino Davidoff displayed a sign assuring customers that all his cigars were humidified to 72%. A similar sign in the window of a contemporary London merchant like Robert Lewis would have drawn hoots of derision. It was common practice too in those days for the British importers to place their cigars in drying rooms before delivering them to retailers. The unique feature of the British trade was that they aged their cigars before permitting them to be sold to smokers, usually for a minimum of five years. It is as true today as it was then that to gain the full benefit from ageing and maturing, Havanas must be kept at a significantly lower humidity, no higher than 50%, and be allowed gradually to lose some of the moisture content which they contain when they are first imported." Man hajar ju onekligen till när man läser dessa rader! Jag föreställer mig att det finns ett kulturhistoriskt släktskap mellan å ena sidan svenskar, danskar, tyskar och holländare som rökte sina egna tillverkade & torkade cigarrer, och, å andra sidan, britter som under samma period, torkade havannor för att njutas i likartat skick. B, som tände en Ritmeester Half-Corona (enda holländaren jag hade hemma) och hällde upp ett glas kall öl! |