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Ämne: Series X ?
Skrivet av: ZONE CAPONE
Tid: 2005-06-09 17:37:11

Lagrar den nog ett tag då det står:
-We gave this cigar an "A-" only because you could taste a hint of youth in some of the samples.  This is by no way a detraction, just a statement that things will likely improve with age.


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ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Series X ?13:35 den 9 juni 2005ZONE CAPONE
      N Series X ?16:41 den 9 juni 2005MattiasA
           N Series X ?17:12 den 9 juni 2005ZONE CAPONE
           N Series X ?17:37 den 9 juni 2005ZONE CAPONE
                N Series X ?18:35 den 9 juni 2005RichardT
                     N Series X18:56 den 9 juni 2005MattiasA
                          N Series X23:22 den 9 juni 2005ZONE CAPONE