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Ämne: Kubaner från Gibraltar
Skrivet av: wilfried
Tid: 2004-06-30 16:37:02

Dom två gångerna jag beställt har de kommit fram, men det var före de nya reglerna ...

"Good morning All,
Following is a copy of the letter which has been sent to some of you concerning our new shipping instructions:-

"Unfortunately the Gibraltar Postal Services have instructed us that we must describe the contents on the packs we send you as "Gift (cigars)" rather than simply "Gift" as we have done up to now.

This should not cause you a problem however we feel that you should now be aware of the change.

Please advise if you would like us to proceed with your order."
With reference to the above we have sent out several trial orders as to be able to give you an outcome of what the situation is.
80% of the packages arrived without any problems.  Might we even say they have taken less than 3 weeks to reach destination.  The remaining 20% we are still waiting confirmation upon arrival.   
We are glad to inform that none of the packages sent have been seized to date giving us a very positive outlook. 
In the unlikely event that any packages are "seized" we will replace the order. 
Note we have to write "Gift (cigars)" on the Declaration Form.   
We hope the above will clarify this situation.
Best regards
Loren & Evelyn"

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Bugge10:45 den 30 juni 2004Fredrik
      N Bugge11:13 den 30 juni 2004Kamelryttarn
           N Bugge, intressant, men något dyr, va?12:49 den 30 juni 2004GöranG
                N Atlantic och Lynns13:21 den 30 juni 2004Kamelryttarn
                     N Atlantic och Lynns13:42 den 30 juni 2004Fredrik
                          N Atlantic och Lynns13:46 den 30 juni 2004Kamelryttarn
                          N Cubaner13:56 den 30 juni 2004wilfried
                               N Kubaner från Gibraltar14:33 den 30 juni 2004Fredrik
                                    N I synnerhet nuförtiden....15:11 den 30 juni 2004COJ
                                    N Kubaner från Gibraltar16:37 den 30 juni 2004wilfried
                          N Atlantic och Lynns14:02 den 30 juni 2004Jonas