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Ämne: Fredags humort från CF
Skrivet av: Puffarn
Tid: 2007-02-16 12:47:31


1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used work boots, size 14-16. 

2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns and Ammo and your NRA magazines. 

3. Put a giant dog dish next to the boots and magazine. 

4. Leave a note on your door that reads: 

" Hey Bubba: Big Mike, Slim, Tiny and I went for more ammo. Back in an hour. 
Don't mess with the Pitbulls. They attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up pretty bad. 
I hope I don't get sued again. I don't think Killer or Prozac took part in it but 
I locked all four of them in the house. Better wait outside." 

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Fredags humort från CF12:47 den 16 februari 2007Puffarn
      N Fredags humort från CF13:04 den 16 februari 2007Peter (Hällingsjö)
      N Fredags humort från CF14:38 den 16 februari 2007Ouch