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Ämne: Scotland takes big stick to smokers
Skrivet av: wilfried
Tid: 2004-11-10 21:17:06

Scotland looks set to follow in the footsteps of New York and Dublin by banning smoking in public places, the BBC reports. First Minister Jack McConnell told the Scottish Parliament that by 2006 any business or individual defying a "comprehensive ban" would be fined.

McConnell declared: "Health rates are lamentable because of a lack of exercise, drugs abuse, excessive drinking and over-eating. They all make us one of the most unhealthy countries in Europe, and too many smoke. It is clear that Scotland must not be held back by poor public health - the single biggest contribution devolved government can make is to reduce the toll of preventable death caused by smoking." He also insisted: "The health arguments far outweighed lingering public disquiet about a complete ban and claims by the licensed trade that jobs would be lost."


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N Brittisk röklicens i stället för förbud14:06 den 3 november 2004wilfried
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      N Scotland takes big stick to smokers21:17 den 10 november 2004wilfried