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Ämne: Jag är inte ett dugg orolig...
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2006-09-29 09:45:27

I know what you mean COJ. I bougt too many cigars before the summer. Then during the summer I had to go to Spain a couple of times. Naturally with the big price difference I couldn't justify not buying more when I was there. Since I got back mid august I've had not bought any. I was doing great. I thought I got the upper hand. Then 2 weeks ago I finally cracked. I allready recieved some 50 cigars form CoH an finest. And I'm expecting +200 cigars during the next couple of weeks. If girls have the same feeling when they buy shoes then I'm afraid I understand their exactly how they feel.

Hopefully I can resist for the rest of the year. I gotta save up some money for a couple of trips to Cuba, Dominican Rep. and Jamaica. Wouldn't mind visiting New York sometime next year either. If there is a God, please give me strenght to resist. Even if there is a good special now and then

It was my first time doing buisness with finest. I can rally recommend them. They follow your shipping instructions and the invoice is fixed so that if you are unlucky with customs it will be a little amount you would have to pay. Their prices are a little high but you can buy singles of the new San Cristobals and cuban LE's and I've wanted to try them for some time now.

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Jag blir nästan lite orolig själv...08:31 den 28 september 2006COJ
      N Jag blir nästan lite orolig själv...11:31 den 28 september 2006Ouch
           N Jag är inte ett dugg orolig...23:40 den 28 september 2006Arne
                N Jag är inte ett dugg orolig...09:45 den 29 september 2006ifbbpro
      N Jag blir nästan lite orolig själv...08:45 den 28 september 2006Jeeves
      N Jag blir nästan lite orolig själv...08:54 den 28 september 2006Peter CCL H...........
      N Skönt att höra att man inte är ensam!09:04 den 28 september 2006Seven
           N Den mörka sidans kraft är stor...10:25 den 28 september 2006Pyro
      N Platslösning?09:27 den 28 september 2006Niclas
      N Jag blir nästan lite orolig själv...10:22 den 28 september 2006Kron
           N and it goes on...11:03 den 28 september 2006MattiasA
                N and it goes on...11:05 den 28 september 2006Magnus
                     N and it goes on...11:14 den 28 september 2006Robban i karlstad
                          N and it goes on...17:04 den 28 september 2006Ouch
      N Jag blir nästan lite orolig själv...10:21 den 29 september 2006Larshak