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Ämne: www.cubanlous.com ???
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2006-09-06 11:55:17

Anybody ever order from that place?? Been thinking of buying a cabinet of 50 Por Larrañaga Petit Coronas and my preferred dealer (CoH) don't have them on stock and don't know if he will have them again.

I wrote Cuban Lou's and asked for their shipping methods. Seems like they ship from Switzerland. And declare contents as a gift with a lower value than the real value.

I would like to know some examples of what they declare their packages as and with what value. This is important as danish customs will most likely open a package coming from a non EU country with a value above 25$ gift or not.

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N www.cubanlous.com ???11:55 den 6 september 2006ifbbpro
      N www.cubanlous.com ???13:08 den 6 september 2006Peter CCL Hällingsjö
      N www.cubanlous.com ???13:22 den 6 september 2006Ouch
           N www.cubanlous.com ???09:49 den 7 september 2006ifbbpro
                N www.cubanlous.com ???10:53 den 7 september 2006Seven
                     N www.cubanlous.com ???11:17 den 8 september 2006ifbbpro
                          N www.cubanlous.com ???12:06 den 8 september 2006Peter CCL Hällingsjö