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Ämne: Cigarrbutik i Malaga
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2006-07-28 19:52:13

Ok Magnus here is the address for the cigar store (Estanco) in Torremolinos:

Cava de Puros (Cigar Cellar)
Estanco San Miguel
San Miguel Tobacco Store
33 San Miguel St
Torremolinos 29620 Spain
+34 952380354

The store in Granada is:

Estanco Puerta Real
Acera del Casino, 15
+34 958229471

Also if time for it you might wanna try to visit Gibraltar. They have a old cigar store called Stagnetto where I'm told you can be lucky and find some rare cigars. They also have wide variety of pibe tobacco. I was supposed to go there but unfortunately I got ill by some crappy food the day we were supposed to go there. You can find their address on their homepage which is: www.stagnetto.gi/

Hope that helps!! And please give us an update when you get home on your cigar purchases!!!! Have a nice trip

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Cigarrbutik i Malaga?14:50 den 14 september 2005Arne
      N Cigarrbutik i Malaga?21:52 den 14 september 2005Peter CCL
           N Cigarrbutik i Malaga09:45 den 28 juli 2006Magnus
                N Cigarrbutik i Malaga10:28 den 28 juli 2006ifbbpro
                     N Cigarrbutik i Malaga11:14 den 28 juli 2006Magnus
                          N Cigarrbutik i Malaga19:52 den 28 juli 2006ifbbpro
                               N Cigarrbutik i Malaga21:14 den 28 juli 2006ifbbpro