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Ämne: Hello
Skrivet av: Viper139
Tid: 2006-02-19 03:40:23

I just wanted to say hi to all of you.

I wondered wher the orders from Sweden were originating and I think I found it.

I have enjoyed reading the posts here. I am first generation American, my parents and four older sisters emigrated from Sweden in 1949. My Swedish is very rusty since my mom and dad have been dead for a number of years, but I get the topic and discussion in most of the threads.

Well, just wanted to say HI.

David Asp, "Viper139"
Heartfelt Industries
The Bead Guy

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Hello03:40 den 19 februari 2006Viper139
      N Hello05:50 den 19 februari 2006Hawkan Manderstedt
      N Hello06:08 den 19 februari 2006Hawkan Manderstedt
      N Hello10:04 den 19 februari 2006Daniel
           N Hello10:28 den 19 februari 2006Henrik G
                N Hello07:03 den 20 februari 2006Viper139
                     N Hello10:52 den 20 februari 2006ifbbpro
                          N Hello06:37 den 26 februari 2006Viper139
      N Hello12:51 den 19 februari 2006Kjell